Archive for December 9, 2007

zombies are people too…

another week gone, another blog to post. i am so very pleased that people are visiting my site. 67 views so far – i am full of the happy joy-joy feelings. no, wait. that’s just tea. this past week has been so brutally busy, but (horrifically), the holidays are near, so i might actually get a few days to be a vegetable. or perhaps a fungus. they don’t move either, you know. for the most part anyway…

first up: japanese final today. i passed, which is a victory in itself, especially as i did almost no studying for it. i’m glad the term is done… surprisingly, it took up quite a bit of my super valuable time.

just to mention- the panda is making horrific beeping noises. apparently sending the longest text message ever written by human/panda hands. or paws. i am going insane.

onwards. went to go see ‘the golden compass’ today. i am a big fan of the books, but i was a bit dissapointed by the movie. to start, they cut off the entire ending of the book – which pissed me off – and they changed quite a bit of the storyline. grr. the daemon stuff was pretty sweet though. as were the panserborne. yaay for polar bear fighting. hopefully they will do a better job with the next one. whatever.

teaching is going well. the last class is on tuesday. i am both happy and kinda sad. i have really enjoyed it, but it will be nice to finally have some time for my own research. woot.

i am mildly creeped out by the picture of the rabbit on the calendar next to me. it has these weird light brown eyes. they’re freaking me out. maybe i should draw an eyepatch on him. i hates the bunnies. scary beasts.

the next day…

i fell asleep whilst writing that last bit of the blog. traumatizing bunny-related nightmares ensued. i’m sure i have more to write, but i think that’s going to do it for now.
